In 2012 I started having a multitude of issues plus... fatigue, rashes, hay fever, sinus, gain weight with exercise, bloating, diarrhea, you name it. I went to a few doctors who told me I didn’t have allergies at all, and they couldn’t help me. My exams weren’t bad, or bad enough for them to help me. Even with all the symptoms I was experiencing I got nothing.
It was when I started listening podcasts saying gluten could be the issue, although it could take months to heal back. I went to see a chiropractor that understood my situation, and asked me to cut back gluten, even the non gluten grains like oat and corn.
OMG it was the best, and the worse thing I did. Nobody helped, nobody understood. Husband was bringing cakes to the house, eating some, and offering me a slice every ten minutes. Needless to say we had awful arguments, I stayed closed in our bedroom for hours reading and crying until the smell of cooking pizzas went away. I was also getting headaches to airborne baked pizzas for example.
The only reason I kept the diet was because of the results, I was getting better even from brain fog! When I went to see my parents my world collapse for the second time. The 1st time was from the very little help the doctors could provide me. Anyway, my mom didn’t believe me, even when I showed her all the issues I had, nor when she saw them going away. She saw I’ve lost the 30, or more pounds I gained while very sick.
Almost a year latter, I had no sinus, almost no rashes, no bloating and even the persistent adult acne was gone! I also found a doctor that help a little.
Mom used to say she prepared something without milk, for example, but after I get very sick with horrible headaches, she will say “oh, it was so little, it’s impossible you’ve noticed”. I was being accused of being mean to her cooking, being crazy, or depressed, or all of these things. In her mind I’ve should take loads of antidepressants because that was my problem, depression. Well, you tell me if you won’t be depressed with very little information, help, or understanding from your loved ones? Also almost no food options to eat even in special grocery stores, and having to cook everything from scratch?
My dad is another chapter... he refuses to believe me until these days, and keep offering me the basics bread and cheese every time I'm there. At least he doesn’t get offended if I don’t eat them.
Meanwhile my little sister started almost the same thing. We started talking, and she also went to an elimination diet. She got better, she started seeing mom often because they live closer, and to make this story short now at least mom doesn’t take personal if I don’t eat something she prepared. She asks if I can eat this or that, and she kinda let me cook in her house.
She also has seeing my Alcat IgG allergy test, and she quite believed in it. Husband also found out he has some food issues, but not as bad as I have. I had the chance to get my revenge on him lol bringing Christmas gifts for friends - candy, peanut, cake - to the house before give them away. Some foods don’t bother me at all these days, so I was able t pointed out what he did to me for while.
Of course I miss coffee, pizza, pasta, lasagna, chocolate, and other yummy foods from my country.
Facebook specific closed groups helped and still help me a lot. Doctors still not so much. Research it’s key. Supplements are very important, but also expensive as trial and error goes on. AIP diet is awesome, and now I’m also helping others with similar problems.
A couple years ago I gave up an upper level management at my job due to he stress of not eating normal, and the trouble of having this disease, which I still don’t know what it is.
️I'm sending something love to you, be strong, count on me on your side.
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